Reiki      Acupressure       Shiatsu      Polarity      Myofascial Release

Reiki is a very gentle technique, using placement of hands for 5 to 30 minutes on or above each area in need. I have found it to be useful after any recent physical or emotional trauma, surgery and for some chronic pain. I have also found it to be very relaxing and soothing.
  • The first time I heard about Reiki, was when a friend's Asthma attack was shortened with it. The person would put her hands over my friends lungs - usually on the back, and her asthma attack would subside. That was all it took to get me interested.

  • I have seen Reiki help relieve pain: One example was with a young woman, who had been in a car accident. She had been in the hospital for treatment for her injuries for a few days and was now home with her mother. She had pain in her belly, where her body had hit the steering wheel. Her mother had called me over to give her a Reiki treatment. I gave her a full Reiki treatment with lots of extra time on her belly. Afterwards, she thanked me and said, it was the first time, that the pain had subsided since the accident.

  • Another example, a patient in a hospital had called me, to have me come into the hospital and give him a massage. He mostly wanted his shoulders massaged and also complained about pain in his belly. I believe he had lung cancer. The doctors had checked his belly, but could not find any problem with it and hadn't been able to relieve his belly pain. I massaged his shoulders and also gave him some Reiki for his belly. When I was done, the pain in his belly was gone and didn't come back for the rest of the day. I called him the next day, to see how he was feeling. The pain had come back and he asked me to come for a second visit. I did Reiki for his belly again. The pain was gone again, by the time I left. This time the pain was still gone a week later, when I called to check on him again.

  • I use Reiki on myself almost every day: When I have banged my head or other body parts, when I have cut my finger, I just put my other hand over it. I cut my thumb pretty badly once, and considered going to the emergency room to have it sewn up. I put my other hand over it and soon the bleeding slowed down and then stopped. Also, when I'm trying to sleep or just be relaxed and my mind is going a mile a minute, I'll do Reiki on the top of my head and often it'll calm down.

  • I burned my left forearm with the iron once. It hurt, so of course I did Reiki over it. I did not touch it, just held my hand over the sore spot. When I do Reiki my hands often get a little warm. This time, the spot got really hot. I continued the Reiki until the heat had subsided. When I moved my hand away, the burn looked like it had happened a few days ago. It had already started to heal over.
    Frankly, I think everyone should learn Reiki as a first aid tool along with their First Aid and CPR classes. -The best way to find a Reiki teacher is probably to get on the Internet and search for one in your area. (First Aid and CPR classes are often offered through the Red Cross.)

  • Another example of pain relief from Reiki, was when a friend of mine had to have abdominal surgery. She was a recovering drug addict and did not want to be put on morphine after the surgery. I gave her a massage before her surgery, to help her relax. She did get the regular anesthesia for the surgery, but no drugs afterwards. I was there waiting for her, when she came out of recovery and immediately started a full Reiki treatment. Of course she had some pain after this surgery, but she was able to avoid taking any drugs. I gave her Reiki a couple more times over the next week.

  • One time I was able to participate in an amazing story: It was a Friday evening, when I checked my messages on my way out of town for the weekend. A friend of mine had called and asked me to come to the hospital right away, the doctor had said, his mother was dying. I knew his mother also. She had had a bleeding on the left side of her brain around noon that day. She was in intensive care. When I got to the hospital, the bed was tilted so she was half-way sitting up, her vital signs were very weak, but she was talking, I don't remember if her words made any sense. I said to myself, 'I can't just stand here and watch her die, she looks too alive.' So I asked if it was ok, if I gave her some Reiki. Her son and the hospital personnel agreed. I gave her a full treatment and lots of extra time on her brain. Altogether, I worked on her for 3 hours. At some point during those 3 hours, her vital signs came up and stabilized. They never went back down again after that. When I first put my hands on the top of her head, I had felt a strong pulsing on the left side of her head. After I had worked on her for a while, the pulsing stopped. Since I still had to leave town for the weekend, I called around and found another Reiki practitioner, who was able to come and see her the next 2 days. On Monday my friend and I decided, to have someone do CranioSacral Therapy on her. My friend had also called a woman, who works with angels of healing on helping the body heal with energy essences, on Friday. ---- Monday was also the first day, that her regular doctor saw her. They tried to spoon feed her some liquid, but didn't get much down her. Since her doctor knew, she didn't want to get a feeding tube, he decided to transfer her to a nursing home in 2 days, Wednesday, and leave her without food or liquid, so she would die within 5 days. My friend and I went to see her on Tuesday and gave her some broth. On Wednesday, she was transferred to the nursing home. Much to my surprise, it was a wonderful place, the staff was great. My friend and I went and asked the nurses for some broth and gave it to his mother. We couldn't stand the thought of her dying of thirst. We asked the staff to continue feeding her liquids and they did. On Friday, I got a phone call from my friend: "Mother is back, she is awake and eating and speaking again." She later told us, she had been dead for 7 days, but then her and God decided, that she needed to live longer. Her paralysis of her right side disappeared fairly soon, she was left with a speech problem and some memory loss: Sometimes the wrong words came out, then she would say: "That wasn't what I wanted to say." Her brain was working, but it wasn't translating accurately into speech. She went to speech classes for quite a while. Her memory of anything that happened before the stroke was completely gone at first, but it slowly came back with time. Now, 2 1/2 years later, she can go for walks by herself, she goes out and does things with her friends, but she needs to live with someone to take care of her. In any case, she has told me several times, that she is happy, she survived. Her regular doctor, the one that had sent her to the nursing home to die, told her, it was the first miracle he had experienced.
email Susana Kaiser at: "honeyfeelgood @ gmail [dot] com"           
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Last revised on 01/16/2017, copyright© 2010 - 2017 by Susana Kaiser