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Myofascial Release
Myofascial Release is a technique, which permits release of tightened areas deep in the body with very light compression or traction. The fascia is a layer of connective tissue, which surrounds every cell, organ, duct, nerve, vessel, muscle and cavity of the body. Since the connective tissues in the body are all interconnected, tightness that develops in one area after trauma, surgery or prolonged inflammation can pull on structures distant from original problem area. Myofascial Release can release adhesions that impede the proper mobility of joints and tissues, the flow of fluids and the functioning of any of the body's systems.

  • Most often I use Myofascial Release for neck problems in a combination with other techniques. The results have been more relaxation and longer lasting effects.

  • A small percentage of lower back problems has responded better to Myofascial Release than to Acupressure.

  • My first interest in working with the fascia, came from a story a fellow massage therapist told me. He had been working with scar tissue: Through gentle intuitive work on scars, which he had the clients do every day for a few minutes, he had found some astonishing results. A woman, who had a scar on her abdomen and also had pain in her wrists, found the pain in her wrists disappeared, whenever he touched her abdominal scar in a certain way. So he had her work on it regularly and eventually the pain in her wrists was gone completely.

    I worked on a scar on my right thigh, which I had had for 35 years. The scar tissue itself smoothed out and the scar is now less visible.

  • Since I only took the Level One Myofascial Release Workshop, it has made an enormous difference in my practice of bodywork. Since it is very intuitive, I started working intuitively with everything I do again, combining techniques and sometimes using new ones my hands seem to invent for the client's specific problem.

  • My best friend has remnants from an old injury in her thighs, and every so often, as she works very hard physically (she pulls lumber at a mill), they get aggravated and hurt again. Before Myofascial Release, I worked on them with Swedish massage and they would get a little better. But my wrists would be sore as she has big strong muscles. Once I learned Myofascial Release, I did Myofascial unwinding with her legs, it didn't hurt me and I saw much better results with her. Her pain was completely gone after the treatment.

  • email Susana Kaiser at: "honeyfeelgood @ gmail [dot] com"           
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    Last revised on 01/16/2017, copyright© 2010 - 2017 by Susana Kaiser