Alternative, additional First Aid    Miracles do happen with nature's help     Healing from cancer

Home remedies / natural therapies I found and used over the years (some I learned from my mother, some from reading various books (see resources), talking to friends, etc.)(Your body may respond differently than mine, so please check with your doctor first, if you want to try any of this.)*:

For healing from cancer naturally, please click here.

For cold or flu:
I get a lot of sleep and rest, drink plenty of fluids (Water, juice, tea, hot lemonade, broth, soup), cut down on eating. If I can take the day off from work, I can often get over a flu in one day that way. By the second day I'm just tired, the third day I'm all better.

To make hot lemonade - I squeeze a lemon into a cup, pour boiling water over it, add a teaspoon of honey and drink it hot.
Miso soup with fresh garlic and fresh ginger: I use packaged Miso soup I get at a healthfood store, add hot water, grate fresh garlic and ginger over it, sometimes I squeeze a lemon into it too. I use this, whenever I don't feel quite well (cold, flu, etc.). I find that it helps me feel better quickly, so I drink freely of it - several cups a day. When I have enough energy to cook, I make soup from scratch with lots of fresh vegetables.

For a stuffy nose, a camomille steam: I put a handfull of camomille blossoms in a big bowl and pour boiling water over them. I set the bowl on a table, sit in front of it and hold my head over the bowl. I cover head and bowl with a towel, then wrap a woolen blanket over it and me. I avoid drafts. I keep my head over the camomille steam for about 10 minutes and avoid lifting the blanket until then. Afterwards I dry off with the towel, stay warm and get back to bed or to the couch.

For sore throat: Gargle with salt water- I put a little sea salt in my mouth and gargle with lukewarm water. As long a my throat is sore, I do it several times a day.
Make a "neck wrap"- I wet a large cotton handkerchief or an old cotton sock with cold water, wring it out, put a little sea salt on one side, place the side with the salt on the neck. Then I wrap a dry towel or scarf around it. The outside towel should be thick enough, so it doesn't wet through. I leave it on for about a half an hour or until wet cloth is dry.

For fever: "wraps"- so the fever will go down. For "calf wraps: I wet four thin cloths or towels, wring them out; wrap one each around each calf and thigh. Wrap a thicker dry towel around each. The outside one should not wet through. Keep on, until they all are dry. For fever, I don't eat solid foods, instead I drink a lot of liquids (soup, hot tea...).

For sprains - Arnica compress - I put a few drops of Arnica tincture on a wet cloth, place the cloth on the swollen part, leave it on for a while. I might replace it several times.

For constipation: Two raw carrots chomped on first thing in the morning before breakfast, worked the best for me. They work every time, and they work more naturally, not forcing things. I tried various laxative herbs and prune juice. They usually worked too, but they were harder on my body. With the carrots, the result was that my intestines were working normally. I found I couldn't take the carrots any other way, grading them or drinking carrot juice didn't work as well, I had to take two whole raw carrots and chew them up. (I peeled them first.)

For headaches: More Water - I have so far only gotten a headache, when I haven't been drinking enough liquids. Therefore, if I do get a headache, I drink lots of water. That usually gets rid of it right away. There are, however, many other causes for headaches, for which just drinking more water wouldn't be enough.

For sore muscles from working physically or working out: A hot bath with epsom salts helps keep the soreness of the "day after" down. Drinking plenty of water is important too.

For Poison Oak: Through trial and error, I found the 2 things that worked the best for me, which also happen to be the cheapest: Fels Nappa soap for washing the body, and the common weed Plantain: I used the chopped raw leaves as a poultice, put onto the body part and held in place with a cloth. For those of you, who don't know much about poison oak, I found out a lot through sharing stories: People have extremely varying degrees of sensitivity to it. A person can have no reaction to it for years, then all of a sudden become extremely allergic to it, and later again, can also become completely immune to it. I don't know, what makes a person more allergic, for me it came, when I had a lot of stress. I don't know, what makes a person immune either, if you know, please send me an e-mail, and I will include it here. When a person is very allergic to it, they can have it all over their body, with their faces swollen so bad, the eyes can swell shut; it can also go internally; and some people get very ill, when someone burns poison oak and they happen to breath in the smoke from it. When a person has become immune to it, they can touch it with their hands and chop down lots of it, without a care.

For sids/pimpels, etc.: French Green Clay: I buy it at a healthfood store, it comes as a powder. I pour some in a little bowl or on a plate, add just enough water to make a paste, then cover the sid with the paste. The clay draws out 'stuff', while it's drying. So as soon as it is dry, I wash it off with water, and might put some more on if needed. I found that Herbal Life's fascial mask works great too, it comes as a paste and therefore is easier to use, but it's also more expensive. It's made of all kinds of wonderful ingredients (not clay).

After accidents or surgeries: To help reduce internal bruising, I take homeopathic Arnika, do (or receive) Reiki on or over the painful area(s), if the skin is not open, use a wet cloth with Arnika tincture on it. Of course, if you need to go to a Doctor after an accident, by all means go. Homeremedies cannot replace everything. Though I have seen a friend take care of her own broken arm, by splinting it herself, using poultices on it every day, and getting Reiki on it everyday. Her arm healed perfectly, but it must have been a simple break. After a car accident, clients of mine had a speedy recovery by combining Acupuncture, Chiropractic and Massage Therapy - each of them at first frequently and gradually less often.

For allergies (runny nose and itchy eyes): When I get allergic symptoms like runny nose and itchy eyes, I've found that taking more Vitamin C and drinking more water and practicing Qigong can reduce my symptoms.

To help my body cope with stress: I take Vitamin C and a Vitamin B complex daily. I practice Qigong daily, and dance evey other day. Aerobic exercise seems best, when my body has been in the "Fight or Flight" stress response through mental stress. After all, that is what the body has readied itself for. Even better is to find a way to not stress, reminding myself that as long as no one's life is in danger, I don't need to stress. After all, the universe has my back, and if I can just relax, it will give me all the help and advice I need.
When I have stomach problems related to stress, it helps me to drink fresh coconut milk and eat fresh coconut. Slippery elm powder is very soothing to the stomach. Combined with water it makes a slimy paste, kind of like pudding. Too slimy for me to take, so I take the capsules. But for my cats I heat it up with some water and give them the mixture in an eye dropper, when they have diarrhea. It works great. You can find more wonderful easy and low cost natural remedies in Dr. Pitcairn's book: "Natural Health for Dogs and Cats". Dr. Pitcairn is amazing. (I got to work for him personally once as a receptionist.)
An Amethyst crystal cluster held in front of the belly has also worked for me. It has helped me become more peaceful too.

For sugar cravings: For several days I eat only honey-sweetened foods, I read all food labels carefully, because even a small amount of sugar keeps the cravings going. After several days of just eating honey sweetened, my cravings for sweets are gone, and I loose interest in eating anything with honey too, and go back to just eating fresh and dried fruits. It is not that difficult to make cookies with honey instead of sugar. I just use more honey than the amount of sugar required (since honey is not as sweet) and more flour to soak up the extra moisture. When I'm off sugar completely, I usually have more energy, my energy does not go up and down, I just have steady energy all day long, and I just generally feel better, emotionally too.

For asthma attacks: In Eugene, Oregon, I developed asthma at a very stressful time in my life, while dealing with a lot of grief - I had lost quite a few people and animals within a short period of time. I suffered asthma attacks for 3 years, while struggling to find alternative treatment. Here are the home remedies, that helped me make it through the attacks. I did, once, revert to using an pharmaceutical inhaler, when I had been wheezing for too long and a friend who was born with severe asthma urged me to take it. Eventually, after trying various alternative therapists, I found a naturpathic doctor, who prescribed some things that kept the asthma attacks to a minimum; and shortly after that, moving away from Oregon eliminated any need for treatment.
Hot dry towels put on front and back of chest helped relax the very tense muscles in my chest. Hot showers had a similar effect. Watching a movie could relax my mind, since panic usually made the attack worse. Homeopathic remedies prescribed by my Homeopath helped stop the attack within 20 - 30 minutes. It wouldn't be useful, to tell you which ones, since homeopathy is a holistic approach, your whole being needs to be taken into consideration, to find the most effective remedy. A steam inhaler with eukalyptus oil, which I held my face over, usually helped keep me from having to call an emergency vehicle. Sleeping with the upper body propped up on pillows was essential.

For depression: Remember, depression is anger turned towards the inside. I used to wake up depressed. What helped me then, was to turn on music I loved first thing in the morning. At the time I had a job I hated. Since then, I've been finding my passion and finding ways to live my passion. I don't wake up depressed anymore. But sometimes I get depressed. Then I look for the action, that I need to do to resolve the situation that depresses me. I do Qigong or meditate, to help me get centered and intuitively find that action.

For anemia: According to Louise Hay a probable metaphysical cause for Anemia is "'Yes-but' attitude. Lack of joy. Fear of life. Feeling not good enough." The first 2 were quite fitting for me, when I found out, I was anemic. It had gotten so bad, I almost passed out a couple of times. That was a wake-up call for me. I started buying the best Health Foods I could get, I got a craving for molasses and ate it by the spoonful. I got whatever healthy foods I wanted the most, made sure I got plenty of green leafy vegetables, got juices with iron, ate raisins, spinach, started making sure I got out into the fresh air at least once per day, started taking time to do things that gave me joy and within a week I started feeling better. I had to keep it up for weeks, before I didn't feel in danger of falling back though. Of course I worked on my attitude about my life too.

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* The information on this website is solely for educational purposes. It is not intended to serve as medical advice or a prescription, or to replace the advice and care of your doctor. Be sure to check with your doctor, before doing any of the things mentioned on this website. It's also a good idea to check with your doctor before beginning, altering, or ending any health, lifestyle or diet program.

email Susana Kaiser at: "honeyfeelgood @ gmail [dot] com"           
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Last revised on 01/16/2017, copyright© 2010 - 2017 by Susana Kaiser