Miracles do happen with nature's help

First Aid in addition to the regular First Aid of Bandaids etc.

I try to always have on hand:

  • Some clean cotton rags, made from old 100% cotton socks, underwear or handkerchiefs
  • A live Aloe Vera plant for low grade burns from burning myself with the iron or on the stove and especially, if I get sun burnt. If I come home from the beach red, I cut a little piece from my Aloe plant, cut off the edges and slice it open, then rub the gel onto my sun burn. I don't burn that easily, but this keeps it from peeling later. By the next morning the red is usually gone and turned into a tan. I used to buy the bottles, when they were still pretty purely Aloe Vera, but now they seem to add other stuff I don't want. I think pure and fresh works better anyway and Aloes sure aren't hard to grow. When I lived in a colder environment, I kept mine indoors in a pot. Currently I have a few outdoors plants.
  • Some Ecinachea and Goldenseal for infections. If I have a light infection under the skin, like say I got a splinter in my thumb, then I boil some Goldenseal powder in a pot of water, pull it off the stove and soak my thumb in it. Or if it's on a bigger area, like the leg, I soak a small, clean piece of cotton cloth (from old cotton socks, handkerchiefs or cotton underwear) in it and lay that on my leg.
  • Clay powder - I used to get French Green Clay in the healthfood store, now I buy clay online. I use it for impurities of the skin or light infections under the skin. I mix a little powder with some water to make a paste, then spread it on the skin - only where the skin is closed. I leave it on until it dries, then wash it off. I might do it again one or more times depending on what is needed.
  • Arnika tincture and/or homeopathic pellets for sprains (see Home Remedies).
Training that come in handy almost every day:
  • First Degree Reiki learned from a Reiki Master who practices the original method of Usui Reiki. It's usually a one weekend workshop. It used to cost about $150. I don't know, how much it costs now. See Reiki for more information on what it can be used for.
  • The Body Code™ by Dr. Bradley Nelson. I bought this amazing comprehensive software system last year and I have used it so many times already. I used it for some of my health problems, to help my cats get along better, for my parents health, to help me and my partner feel better emotionally. It is a little spendy, but I think it is well worth it and will pay for itself over the years. Dr. Bradley Nelson is a Chiropractor, who put this whole system together with information he learned over many years.

    It is very easy to use.
    This is basically the way it works (in very laymen terms): Our bodies are made up of cells, cells are made up of nucleus, etc. Nucleus is made up of atoms. Atoms are made up of electrons and neutrons. And those, if you drill down even more, are made up of energy.
    Health problems in the body as well as emotions are based on energy.

    The Body Code™ has over 200 templates, each has about 3 - 5 categories on left and about 3 - 5 categories on the right. I start at the top level template. I use a pendulum or muscle testing to ask questions, to find out the underlying causes of problems like: "Is there an underlying cause for me clenching my jaw on the right side?", "Is it in one of the categories on the left?" "Is it the first, second,...?" When I have found the category, I click on it and it takes me to the next level template, where I continue "Is it in one of the categories on the left?" etc. until I get to one of the causes. There are often several. One of the causes could for example be a trapped emotion. It will only show the ones, that the person is ready to release.
    I then clear the emotion by having the intention to clear it and using a regular refrigerator magnet to go down along one of the energy pathways on my head. It is all explained in the program and there are a few hundred videos of tutorials that come with it. Here is a video showing Dr. Bradley Nelson demonstrating a small part of it, The Emotion Code:

    I started by learning some of The Emotion Code for free. Googling I found an image of the emotion chart. Then I watched a few youtube videos on it and started using it. Afterwards I was ready for more and bought the whole sytem - The Body Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson. You can click here to order that.
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    * The information on this website is solely for educational purposes. It is not intended to serve as medical advice or a prescription, or to replace the advice and care of your doctor. Be sure to check with your doctor, before doing any of the things mentioned on this website. It's also a good idea to check with your doctor before beginning, altering, or ending any health, lifestyle or diet program.

email Susana Kaiser at: "honeyfeelgood @ gmail [dot] com"           
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Last revised on 01/16/2017, copyright© 2010 - 2017 by Susana Kaiser